匡 湖 居 Marina Cove












匡湖居管理處 謹啟



Our ref. MC/C514/TY/01

  To :  All Owners/Residents

  21st May 2001

  Dear Sir/Madam,

  Marina Cove Frontage Works


As the captioned works will seriously affect the environment of the nearby area and will also increase the noise level in our estate, the Incorporated Owners of Marina Cove has launched a campaign against the design of the above works last month.  Signatures of our residents are collected to express our concern and opposition in this respect. 

In order to collect sufficient opinion, we send again the return slip (back sheet) for the residents, who have not yet signed.  Please fill in and return the slip to the Management Office on or before 26th May 2001. Thank you for your attention.


Marina Cove Management Office



  致:匡湖居 各業戶













1.              將道路設計向西面移離匡湖居屋苑外牆,並保留現有的園景區;

2.              將迴旋處稍向西面移離匡湖居南面入口;

3.              在行車道中央設置分隔欄用以植樹和種草以美化環境;

4.              將擬興建之行人隧道移至近巴士站附近;及

5.              如需興建隔音屏障,其高度及材料必須與屋苑附近環境配合。


 有鑑於此項工程將會大幅度減低西貢公路一帶之綠化環境,亦不符合香港政府支持環保的一貫政策。為著匡湖居外圍景觀、交通和物業價值免受影響,本苑業主法團誠邀 閣下簽名反對是項道路擴建設計。


   匡湖居管理處 謹啟



Our ref. MC/C501/TY/01

 To : All residents of Marina Cove

11th April 2001

 Dear Sir/Madam,

Marina Cove Frontage Works                                                                              

Highways Department has planned the road improvement works of Hiram’s Highway (HHy) since last year.  The works will include expansion of road section from two lanes to four lanes in front of Marina Cove (MC).  The frontage works will seriously affect the environment of the nearby area and will also lead to an increase in noise level in our estate.  Details are as follows :

A.     Road Expansion

According to Highways’ proposed design, the area outside MC from shopping center to Management Office (the lawn outside our estate) has been designated as road reserve and there will be only a 2.5 meter wide landscape area left behind outside MC. Therefore, the future southbound carriageway of HHy will be closer to our estate than present.  Residents who live nearby HHy will be more affected by the noise generated by vehicles.

B.     Add a roundabout

Highways Department will build a roundabout outside the southern entrance of MC (i.e. the entrance outside Club Marina Cove).  The problem is that the proposed roundabout is too close to the entrance, which will shorten the existing buffer of that area and thus affect the traffic flow of MC.

C.     Two pedestrian subways will be built.

 The Incorporated Owners of Marina Cove sent a letter to Highways Department in last September expressed our concern and proposal as well, they were :

1.       to move the proposed highway further away from the estate wall of MC and to keep the present landscape area;

2.       to move the proposed roundabout away from the southern entrance of MC;

3.       to build a wide enough central divider so that trees and grass can be planted;

4.       to relocate the proposed pedestrian subway near the bus stop and not to be in front of the southern entrance of MC, and

5.       if it is necessary to erect noise barriers along the estate wall of MC, the visual design of the barriers must be harmonized with the local environment of HHy.

However, letter from Highways Department has been received recently expressing that the above proposal item no. 1 to 3 cannot be accepted (copies of letter in English and Chinese are posted in Management Office).


Due to the fact that not only would the captioned project seriously reduce the Green environment of Hiram’s Highway and anti-support of environmental protection, but also it would affect Marina Cove’s environment, its traffic and properties’ value, the Incorporated Owners of Marina Cove is now going to collect signatures of our residents in order to express our opposition of the captioned proposed project design.


As the Government is going to publish the proposed works in the Gazette soon, we have to collect your signatures as soon as possible so as to reflect our opinions to the Government before their publication.  Please fill in and sign on the attached slip and send it back to Management Office on or before 21th April 2001.

 Marina Cove Management Office


致:路政署 署長



本人反對        貴署於匡湖居外圍路面擴建工程的設計方案﹝參閱貴署來信 檔案編號:( )in HNT 54/189﹞。懇請 貴署重新考慮,按2000920日匡湖居業主立案法團所提出之建議,作出適當修改。








 To  :      Director of Highways Department

 Dear Sir,

 Re :      Marina Cove Frontage Works

       I disagree your proposed design of the captioned works (your ref. : ( ) in HNT 54/189).  Please re-consider and make proper amendments for the subject works as per the proposal of The Incorporated Owners of Marina Cove of 20/9/2001.


Name       :        ________________________________


Address   :        Marina Cove _____________________


Signature :        ________________________________


Date         :        ________________________________