匡 湖 居 Marina Cove






本公司檔號:MACO/04/N193                                                        管業處電話:2719 2792





業戶如有任何查詢,可於辦公時間內致電2719 2792與管業處職員聯絡。






Our Ref : MACO/04/N193                                             Management Office Tel : 2719 2792


Date : 25th June, 2004


All Residents of Marina Cove,


Carrying Out A Series Implementation of Anti-Mosquito Measures


In order to help prevent the spread of Dengue Fever, the Management Office has been carrying out a series of anti-mosquito measures in this court . (please refer to the Rrelevant Pphotos are attached in the next page). The Management Office will continue to pay great efforts in carrying outimplement the anti-mosquito measures so as to minimize the breeding of mosquitoes in the surroundings.


Should you have any enquiry, please contact the Management Office at 2719 2792.


Thank you for your attention.


Marina Cove Management Office



The Management Office has implemented the following anti-mosquito measures in this court :


文字方塊: 文字方塊: 定期委派承辦商專責有關防治蚊患的工作;
Regular appoint contractor to be responsible for mosquito prevention and control;
文字方塊: 文字方塊: 保持溝渠暢通;
Keep all drains free from chokage;
文字方塊: 於屋苑範圍加設2部捉蚊機。
To install 2 units of Mosquito Magnet Pro in the housing estates.
文字方塊: 文字方塊: 文字方塊: 檢查屋苑範圍內是否有積水及加以清除;
Inspect ensure there is no water accumulated in the housing estates and remove any stagnant water once found;



































本公司檔號:MACO/04/N193                                                        管業處電話:2719 2792





業戶如有任何查詢,可於辦公時間內致電2719 2792與管業處職員聯絡。






Our Ref : MACO/04/N193                                             Management Office Tel : 2719 2792


Date : 25th June, 2004


All Residents of Marina Cove,


Carrying Out A Series Implementation of Anti-Mosquito Measures


In order to help prevent the spread of Dengue Fever, the Management Office has been carrying out a series of anti-mosquito measures in this court . (please refer to the Rrelevant Pphotos are attached in the next page). The Management Office will continue to pay great efforts in carrying outimplement the anti-mosquito measures so as to minimize the breeding of mosquitoes in the surroundings.


Should you have any enquiry, please contact the Management Office at 2719 2792.


Thank you for your attention.


Marina Cove Management Office



The Management Office has implemented the following taken a series of anti-mosquito measures in this court which include the followings:


文字方塊: 文字方塊: 定期委派承辦商專責有關防治蚊患的工作;
Regular appoint contractor to be responsible for mosquito prevention and control;
文字方塊: 文字方塊: 保持溝渠暢通;
Keep all drains free from chokage;
文字方塊: 於屋苑範圍加設2部捉蚊機。
To install 2 units of Mosquito Magnet Pro in the housing estates.
文字方塊: 文字方塊: 文字方塊: 檢查屋苑範圍內是否有積水及加以清除;
Inspect ensure there is no water accumulated in the housing estates and remove any stagnant water once found;